"I’m definitely going to need taking care of in retirement, just like everyone else"

Have you ever worked as a nanny or other type of domestic worker? Ever hired one? Then we want to hear from you about the growing movement for a Seattle Domestic Workers Alliance! 

Check out what Ty Messiah had to say in The Stranger today about why she's organizing with her fellow nannies and other domestic workers for higher standards and better benefits in the industry, and then let us know what you think.

"I’ve been working as a nanny in Seattle for about two years. I enjoy being a nanny because I enjoy working with children and becoming a part of a family outside of my own — it can be demanding at times but it’s never boring. Unfortunately, the job doesn’t come with any retirement benefits.

But I’m definitely going to need taking care of in retirement, just like everyone else. That’s why I’m organizing with my fellow nannies for higher standards and better benefits in our industry..."

— Ty Messiah, a leader with the Seattle Domestic Workers Alliance

Read Ty's whole opinion piece on the Slog.